Week One

Honest; frank
She was a very candid and respectful person.

Antonym: Dissembling
She was dissembling herself from the rest of the world.

Insight; ability to see things clearly
I got a discernment on nature when I got my glasses.

Antonym: Dullness
The picture that I found had a dull color.

arrogant scorn; contempt
He rejected his offer with disdain.

Antonym: Admiration
He accepted his offer with admiration.

Theoretical; lacking substance
The artist made an abstract image and sold it in an art show.

Antonym: Concrete
Having concrete examples of how words are used in sentences helps to identify the definition of the word.

Moderate; restrained
She was a very temperate person.

Antonym: Immoderate
She was immoderate when it came to her limits.

The book was a really good enigma and I didn't expect what happened at the end.

Antonym: Enlighten
I had to be enlightened on the information we were learning in English.

Unavoidable; bound to happen
Getting wet is inevitable when you are washing the dishes and the water is filled too high.

Antonym: Avoidable
The traffic that she had to go to was avoidable because there was an exit right before it.

Not conventional; a little kooky; irregular
Some celebrities are very eccentric because of what they wear and their personality.

Antonym: Average
He was someone you would think of as average.

Limited in outlook to one's own small corner of the world; narrow
The walkway through the alley is very provincial.

Antonym: Sophisticate
When women put on make-up, they are trying to look more sophisticated and they hide the beautiful simplicity that they have.

Hopeless; without effect
Some teachers are futile when they are teaching their uninterested students.

Antonym: Effective
The plan that she was coming up with was very effective.

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